We have scratched our heads quite a bit over our beautiful buckskin mare Willow. She has so much potential. How can we help her to regain her physical prowess, her trust in her body? When I wonder if I should have ever bought her, I just think how much she has helped my also beautiful talented daughter to regain her sense of self. As she likes to say, they have rehabilitated each other in the past year. She took Caitlin to meet Wendy Murdoch, now her career role model. I will never forget the session in which Caitlin had Feldenkreis body work "on the table" then rode Willow. Wendy prompted her to remember the feeling of her hips in tablework, to subtly shift her weight in the saddle - what happened next put Caitlin on a her life's path! She's a kinesoilogist, bodyworker, and horsewoman in training. Thank you Willow (& Wendy)!!