
Preface: Just An IDEA! 

This is something I experienced with my horse.  It seemed to be helpful. Maybe it will be of interest and use to you in your daily activities.

As with so many movements we cultivate with the horse, the application and meaning of a fixed hand is a great metaphor in human health. While is most often referenced for mounted work using headgear, usually a bridle, everyone can benefit from it on the ground as well. We will look at it in horsemanship first and later look at applications for the unmounted human!

What a fixed hand is not:  A fixed hand does not mean an unyielding stance, harshness, or pulling. It is in fact the opposite of pulling - which are working to elminate in our relationships. Inviting is not pulling. It's opening and looking with interest in the direction of desired movement. It's not absolute either. It often needs to be adjusted, reins or leadrope shortened to provide the deisred feel to the horse.

Years ago I started tucking my leadrope hand into my belt or holding my waistband as I moved about with horse attached. Thanks to a fairly sticky individual, Felipe, who had been pulled on way too many times and not followed through with to a good outcome. He dragged along, and I really hate that. It's enough effort to carry myself forward. I don't want to feel the weight of his indifference on the lead, or have to nag him over and over to step forward. (Not different than a horse that's gotten dull to leg aids, and long ago gave up on the human to offer their own idea, posture and commitment rather than focusing on the horse's failure to "cooperate.")

It was such a relief to the horse to know the boundaries, to feel when the slack came out because of missing an invitation, and to have the opporutnity to make his own decision. Ultimately this conveys our respect for them and the ability to learn, move, make choices that make sense. Within the horse It cultivates free will, respect, soveriegnty/dignity.  It may seem free will and a fixed hand are in opposition but stay with me.

The fixed hand while riding is steady, quiet and reliable. It’s the I AM WITH YOU hand and the BE WITH ME hand. It’s a cure for a busy and quixotic hand, a distracted and ever-changing hand or the “More-Now” hand.

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